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Nonprofit On-the-Go

Action Learning Cohorts

Nonprofit Staten Island (NPSI) is excited to announce the launch of Nonprofit On-the-Go: Action Learning Cohorts. This free program will support 20 nonprofit professionals in building capacity to strategically address a current challenge and advancing their skills and network as community leaders. 

Rooted in principles and practices reflective of NPSI’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and in service to strengthening the borough’s nonprofit sector, Action Learning Cohorts will include: 

  • facilitated workshops, 
  • participant self-assessment and reflection,
  • peer learning, 
  • expert coaching, 
  • collaborative spaces, and
  • access to additional resources and technical assistance

Who: Nonprofit professionals serving Staten Island communities; applicants are encouraged to have at least 3 years of experience in the nonprofit sector and currently hold a supervisory position

What: Access customized technical assistance, leadership development, and networking opportunities through 6 months of participation in a learning community; through the Action Learning model paired with expert coaching assistance, participants will identify and address a key area for improvement in their own work and contribute to enhanced organizational capacity. 

When: April 2024 through September 2024; participants will convene for 3-6 hours monthly and may maximize program participation by engaging in 2-4 hours of additional exercises and activities

Where: Action Learning Cohorts will be hosted in a hybrid model; monthly workshops and peer exchanges will alternate between virtual and in-person meetings; coaching and clinic sessions will generally be hosted virtually.
Why: Professional development and organizational capacity building, especially where there is a clear and present need for support in one of the following areas: (1) Talent, Leadership, & Human Capital; (2) Grants, Funding, & Development; (3) Program Design, Management, & Evaluation; (4) Fiscal & Administrative Operations

Please complete and submit your application no later than Friday, February 16, 2024 to be considered for participation.

Action Learning Cohort Form


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